
I would like to throw in a few disclaimers about things, events, and people mentioned in my blog.  This will be updated as I go.

  1. Subjective View Point. First of all, remember that all of the things I am writing about are subjective to my point-of-view.  Other people involved in the events I choose to write about have their own version of events which may differ from my own and is also 100% true.  Blogs are biased, everyone.  So please do not judge people and things solely based on my perspective.  Thank you.
  2. My mom.  I want everyone out there to know that my mom is an amazing lady who has survived a lot of crap in life.  She is full of love and great big hugs.  She is probably the best hugger in the whole world.  When I was a kid, all of my friends would refer to her as "mommy."  She is just that cool of a lady who always saw through all the teenage bullshit to the heart of every matter.  That being said, as a rebellious offspring, my mom has been an adversary at times as all parents are.  She wants the best for me and has always made suggestions/arguments where she thought I could do better or be happier.  I was not always happy to hear any such suggestions, as is human.  And, my mom has made mistakes in life.  She knows it, and so do I.  But please do not judge her when my blog entries display her in a negative light.  I would write about what a kind-hearted, thoughtful person she is more often, but it would make for a much less interesting story.  I love my mom, and I wouldn't trade her for any other mom in the universe.  Please do not judge her based on my unflattering stories.
  3. My brother.  Growing up with siblings is hard, whether you are the oldest, youngest, or one of the kids who came sometime in the middle.  In our household, my brother grew up the oldest by 2 years.  He had two years where everything was always about him.  He had two years of never having to share, always having our parents undivided attention in all things, and being the only grand baby to spoil for our paternal grandparents.  Then I was born.  Not just the baby but a girl.  I was told that when I was born, my big brother started wetting the bed.  When I was  in the eighth grade, I was an inch or two taller than him.  When we were in high school, some of his friends began to flirt with me.  He had a lot of understandable reasons to hate me and make my childhood a living hell.  That being said, he has always been kind and polite to others.  I always would (and still do) hear from other people what an all around nice guy my brother is. This is all true.  Now that we are both adults, it goes without saying that he no longer smacks me around or sits on my head and passes gas.  He works hard to make an honest living and take care of his wife and kids.  On my 37th birthday, he came to dinner with an awful cold just to wish me a happy birthday and to bring me a present.  He is a good guy.  I am certain he was also a good kid.  If he was able to understand at the time that picking on me the way he did then would scar me for the rest of my life, I do not think he would have done it.  Please do not judge him based on my unflattering stories.
  4. Sexy Nurse.  Sexy Nurse is the love of my life and also my lawfully wedded spouse.  Yes, I find them incredibly sexy, and yes they are in fact a nurse with a master's degree, called a Nurse Practitioner.  Do I leave out Sexy Nurse's gender out on purpose?  The answer is yes.  The "why" is to prove that it doesn't matter and also to protect Sexy Nurse's identity.  Growing up in a small rural town, I couldn't help but notice that while heterosexuals are allowed to have a "type" that they are attracted to, LGBTQIA+ individuals are ASSumed to be attracted to anyone with the necessary genitals and a pulse.  That's always bugged me.  And all couples have their own individual dynamics regardless of who they are publicly perceived to be (like who's the masculine one and who is more feminine).  Sexy Nurse cries at weddings, but also mows the lawn and takes out the trash.  I like bloody, action-packed movies where you get to see people's intestines, but I also like to wear pretty dresses and cover my world in sparkles.  Now you see why I call my blog "weird, but **sparkly.**"
  5. Celebrities.  When I write a letter to a celebrity, it is usually because I am a fan and I believe/hope that this particular celebrity has a sense of humor about herself/himself.  On the occasion that I do write an open letter to a celebrity that I am not a fan of, I usually wish to express a positive thing that I happened to notice and I still have respect for them.  While I joke about it, I am not a celebrity stalker.  As a matter of fact, I tend to be uninterested in tell-alls and exposés and other intrusions into their personal lives.  I try to talk about their work and not their personal lives.  The rare case where I might get personal would be if  am writing to someone who is famous for writing about themselves or reality TV stars, because marketing their personal lives is their job.  Of course you can forget all of this stuff when it comes to Madonna, because she is fucking Madonna with NO apologies.
  6. Religion/Politics.  I will do my best not to delve too deeply into either one of those subjects, because my blog is about having fun and looking for joy in all of life's moments.  After all, if we aren't experiencing joy or in pursuit of it, then what is it all for people?  My blog is for everyone (over 18, because let's face it I do like to swear):  Conservatives, liberals, moderates, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, atheists, Muslims, Jews, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Taoists, Shintos, Confucianists, Sikhs, Bahaists*, Wiccans, agnostics, and all of the ones that I am too uneducated to know about at this time.  I believe joy is for everyone, and not just those who think and believe like me.
(More to come at a later date)
*My spell check is telling me that Bahaist is not a word, but I copied it from Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, so I'm pretty sure that it is a word.  So, if you are of the Baha'i faith, please feel free to correct me, and I swear to your god that I will fix it.😅


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